How to Incrementally Build Your Dream Dock on a Budget
If you have a vision for your perfect dock but don’t quite have the capital to build the whole thing right away, this is one thing you can do to make your vision a reality.
This Shore Side Dock customer built a beautiful dock over the course of a few seasons. You can see it’s transformation from a very humble dock into a very impressive piece of architecture of the course of a few years. The most amazing thing about it is that it looks great at every stage of the process! It’s a complete dock even in the beginning, and only gets better with time as the owner adds more pieces and features to it. That’s the great thing about our aluminum docks, they look like custom docks with tons of options for boat dock accessories, including kayak racks, canoe racks, durable bumpers and dock cleats but in reality they’re created with all our stock parts. This ends up saving you, the customer, tons of money on high-quality, long-lasting marine real estate.
First Evolution
On the first iteration, it’s a modest single-leg 30 foot dock. Not much but it gets the job done. Not much room to hangout on but serves its purpose.

Second Evolution
On the second installation, the dock really starts to come to life. The ‘U’ is finished, and there’s much more room for activity. A lot of dock-owners will be more than satisfied with this set up, as it provides enough space for their main boat in addition to other lake activities like kayaking and swimming. But he didn’t stop there…

Third Evolution
Adding the piece on the left seems to be the cherry on top and gives a little bit extra room to lay out chairs on the deck or hangout with friends. It also lets friends more comfortably dock their boat for a visit. As you can already tell, this boat dock system barely looks like an aluminum dock as you primarily see the decking. Perhaps even better is the fact that this boat dock system is a breeze to install and just as easy to add on to, but if you balk at the idea of dock installations, many of our certified dealers also do dock installations for you at a reasonable price.

Final Evolution
The final form. A full ‘U’, and a huge canopied area abutting it. Now this is a serious dock. Oh, and the stair attachment! With this set up you’re by no means limited by space on your dock, having room to put out 4 chairs and a table underneath the canopy.

The amazing thing about this dock set up is that the vast majority of the parts used are completely stock Shore Side Dock products (barring the boat canopy). On this modular dock configuration, you can see our durable vertical boat dock bumpers, boat dock corner bumpers, canoe racks (that also function as kayak racks), a PWC lift, a boat dock handrail, adjustable steps, and a few other boat dock accessories. This dock system does not however feature any boat dock railings. A set up like this can be difficult to install alone so if you need help with a dock installation and removal, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we can connect you with a dock installer near you.
Our favorite thing about the evolution of this dock is that the customer was happy with it (and it looked great) at every step in the process. If you were in the process of remodeling your home, it looks like a mess… until its completely finished. With Shore Side Docks, your dock won’t be like this. Even as a work in progress, you’ll be pleased with how it looks and your neighbors will be too.
A floating dock is generally much more stable than a standing dock. Because of the way they are designed, they provide considerable buoyancy and allow for a more even distribution of weight. One of their most important features is their ability to adjust themselves to the appropriate water level. This decreases the chances of them being damaged by high water levels and flooding. It also allows people to have easier access to their boats. There may be no need to use ladders when boarding a boat.